Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Best Lip Gloss Ever + Keeping Those Lips Sealed

Proverbs 17:28
Even dunces who keep quiet are thought to be wise; as long as they keep their mouths shut, they're smart. 

In other words, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” Our mouths get us in trouble. Sometimes we get so caught up in being right, that we forget about what's important. It is more important to argue with a friend about miniscule things, or to agree to disagree? Is it better to gossip about someone who has hurt you or to forgive and pray for them? It is better to talk yourself in circles, or to admit that you don't know the answer? I've always thought the most honest words someone can say are "I don't know." It's ok to not know something! People who can admit this are being honest with themselves and you. 

Can you think of any current situation in your life where it will be better for you to stay silent? Are you struggling with whether or not you should stay silent? I've struggled in this area myself. I've always been an honest person, but I've had to learn that sometimes silence is the best way to make a point. I've seen light bulbs go off when someone I know is explaining a situation and because I was silent, they've had the opportunity to listen to themselves and find the answers within. 

If you can't or shouldn't say something, but you REALLY want to, pray about it instead. You can say everything it is you want and need to, and God will always be there to listen!

We just spent a week in Florida. It was an amazing vacation. I love the ocean. I also love shopping, and my vacation had the perfect mix of the two. This time, I took my first trip to Ulta. It's like Sephora, but it includes drug store brands as well. The have a brand called NYX(I've pronounced it as N-Y-X, but the saleswoman referred to it as nix). I don't know which one is correct. See what I did there? ;) 

Well, I've been a Mac fan for a couple of years, but I may be a convert to NYX. Their packaging is beautiful and the products mimic the high-end brands without the high-end prices. Then I found this...drum roll please...........

 This is NYX "mood" lip gloss, my new favorite lip gloss and it's less than $5!!! It goes on CLEAR and then changes to your perfect shade of pink! I don't know how it works, but it does. You can see it on Grace above. Look at that shine! Here is it on me:

Tip: Don't go too heavy on it. If you do, it can stain your teeth and who wants to brush their teeth again AFTER they've applied their lip product!

See? It's not the same shade on me as it is on Grace, but it looks amazing on both of us! I'm telling you, you NEED to have this gloss! And for $5, what do you have to lose? If you don't have an Ulta near you, you can buy it online here.


  1. Great photos, ladies! And I agree about the honesty thing. The most resourceful and intelligent people can admit when they don't know something AND they ask questions when others are afraid to.

    PS - "Smiling is my favorite!"


  2. Thank you for reminding us on how to buy Best Lip Gloss products online.This post really helpfull about The Best Lip Gloss Ever.

    best lip gloss & best moisturizing lip balm
