Saturday, May 25, 2013

Keeping Productive + 3 Summer Makeup Must-Haves

               Proverbs 10:5 NIV

              He who gathers crops in the summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps during
              harvest is a disgraceful son.

How many people sit around all summer long waiting for the next school year? A lot! Well, instead of watching TV and being inside all day, you should get out and be active! Maybe you could go to the beach, go swimming or go on walks! Make sure you get lots of exercise and stay healthy!

You know, The Bible says a lot about harvesting but the only way you can really harvest is if you're an actual farmer. But, maybe you should change your perspective. There are other ways to harvest, too! Like in your community. How about going to a neighbor's house to see if they need help mowing their yard or other projects with their home? Don't be afraid to help other people!You'd be amazed at how good it feels. Below we have 3 summer makeup must-haves, but there really is nothing like the natural glow you get from serving others.

Summers in Louisiana are HOT. It's pretty pointless to put on a full face of makeup during the summer months because it practically melts off of your face! Here are the only 3 products you'll need to look great this summer whether you're spending it at the beach, on a walk or helping in your community!

1) Great Lash Waterproof Mascara in Very Black- Waterproof mascara is a must during the summer. It keeps your eyes looking fresh and alert all day, and you can swim and not worry about it dripping down your face. This stuff stays put. Don't forget to use an eye makeup remover before bed to get it off!

2) Garnier Skin Renew Oil Free BB Cream in Light/Medium- If you haven't tried BB cream yet, it is a must! It has tinted moisturizer and sunscreen in it! It corrects imperfections in the skin AND protects you from the sun. The coverage is great and this one is oil free, so if you're prone to oily skin in the summer you won't have to worry about it.

3) Any lightly tinted lip balm, but we chose Revlon Colorburst Lipbutter in Sweet Tart. It moisturizes your lips and adds a bit of shine and color.

You can do this look in 5 minutes or less and look great like me! Who doesn't want more time at the beach anyway?

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