Monday, May 20, 2013

The Ties That Bind: An Easy, Affordable Tutorial for Colorful Hair Elastics

Romans 12:10 NIV
Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. 
For me, this verse is the epitome of family. The ties and the bonds of a family. The mutual respect. The love. God has hand picked our families for us. What greater thanks can we give Him for these gifts other than love and mutual respect for each other?

These elastic hair ties are all the rage in hair accessories at the moment. They don't leave the dreaded dent that other hair ties do, and they don't put your hair out of your head once you take them out. Wait until you see how easy (and cheap!) these are to make. 

First, find an online retailer that sells the elastic. We buy ours from here. Look for the 5/8" elastic for this project. You can make 4 hair ties per yard. 

Cut your elastic 9" long.

Fold elastic in half.

Pinch folded elastic(cut side facing you) with your thumb and forefinger. Knot elastic by pulling bottom part over your thumb.

It will look like this.

Snip end with very sharp scissors on a diagonal. TIP: These will fray. Either use a lighter and gently swipe the flame across the edge(adults should do this part) OR use a product such as Fray Check to prevent fraying.

There you have it! You can make set of these and put them on cardboard if you'd like to sell them. Grace and I did this and added faithful words with stamps to the cardboard so they could be sold. Have fun with this! You can make headbands too! Just cut the elastic to 21" and follow the rest of the directions. By the way, these look exceptionally fabulous on the ends of braids.

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